otsdaq_prepmodernization  v2_05_02_indev
1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 -- Company:
3 -- Engineer:
4 --
5 -- Create Date: 14:01:44 09/19/2017
6 -- Design Name:
7 -- Module Name: event_analysis - Behavioral
8 -- Project Name:
9 -- Target Devices:
10 -- Tool versions:
11 -- Description:
12 -- This module is where the code for the data analysis lives. The data is meant to come into the module as it comes out
13 -- of the data_send module. The current configuration is for two 64 bit header blocks, so the code delays two clocks
14 -- before starting analysis.
15 --
16 -- Dependencies:
17 --
18 -- Revision:
19 -- Revision 0.01 - File Created
20 -- Additional Comments:
21 --
22 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 library IEEE;
24 use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
28 -- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
29 -- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values
32 -- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
33 -- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
34 --library UNISIM;
35 --use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
37 entity event_analysis is
38  Port ( --default signals
39  clk : in STD_LOGIC;
40  reset : in STD_LOGIC;
41  clock_enable : in STD_LOGIC;
42  --incoming data signals
43  data_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (63 downto 0);
44  data_in_we : in STD_LOGIC;
45  data_in_end : in STD_LOGIC;
46  --incoming footer signal. This footer will be sent with the veto footer and can be attached to any signal.
47  footer_in : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (63 downto 0);
48  --user register signals
49  zero_cross_thresh_high : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
50  zero_cross_thresh_low : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
51  zero_cross_veto_thresh : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
52  --clear and force veto signals
53  clear_veto : in STD_LOGIC;
54  force_veto : in STD_LOGIC;
55  veto_en : in STD_LOGIC;
56  --outgoing data signals
57  data_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (63 downto 0);
58  data_out_we : out STD_LOGIC;
59  data_out_end : out STD_LOGIC;
60  --outgoing analysis signals
61  zero_cross_count : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
62  --this signal is speciffic to the g-2 application and will veto the kicker signal in the event of a spark to
63  --ensure that no damage is done to the kicker and surrounding components.
64  veto : out STD_LOGIC;
65  --resets for the clear_veto and force_veto latches
66  reset_clear_veto : out STD_LOGIC;
67  reset_force_veto : out STD_LOGIC);
68 end event_analysis;
70 architecture Behavioral of event_analysis is
71  --each individual data sample gets its own signal for easier processing
72  signal sampleOne : unsigned(7 downto 0);
73  signal sampleTwo : unsigned(7 downto 0);
74  signal sampleThree : unsigned(7 downto 0);
75  signal sampleFour : unsigned(7 downto 0);
76  signal sampleFive : unsigned(7 downto 0);
77  signal sampleSix : unsigned(7 downto 0);
78  signal sampleSeven : unsigned(7 downto 0);
79  signal sampleEight : unsigned(7 downto 0);
80  --repeated signals
81  signal userZeroCrossThreshHigh : unsigned(7 downto 0);
82  signal userZeroCrossThreshLow : unsigned(7 downto 0);
83  signal userZeroCrossVetoThresh : unsigned(7 downto 0);
84  signal dataOutEnd : std_logic;
85  signal resetClearVeto, resetForceVeto : std_logic;
86  signal del_clk_en : std_logic;
87  --module flags
88  signal busy : std_logic;
89  signal headerDelayOne, headerDelayTwo : std_logic;
90  signal analysisRunning : std_logic;
91  signal prepareEnd : std_logic;
92  signal sendFooter,sendPacketEnd : std_logic;
93  signal finish : std_logic;
94  --signal state
95  signal lastSigLow, lastSigHigh : std_logic;
96  signal zeroCrossCount : unsigned(7 downto 0);
97  signal vetoed : std_logic;
98  --footer signal
99  signal internalFooter : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
100 begin
101  --assign data signals
102  sampleOne <= unsigned(data_in(7 downto 0));
103  sampleTwo <= unsigned(data_in(15 downto 8));
104  sampleThree <= unsigned(data_in(23 downto 16));
105  sampleFour <= unsigned(data_in(31 downto 24));
106  sampleFive <= unsigned(data_in(39 downto 32));
107  sampleSix <= unsigned(data_in(47 downto 40));
108  sampleSeven <= unsigned(data_in(55 downto 48));
109  sampleEight <= unsigned(data_in(63 downto 56));
110  --assign repeated signals
111  userZeroCrossThreshHigh <= unsigned(zero_cross_thresh_high);
112  userZeroCrossThreshLow <= unsigned(zero_cross_thresh_low);
113  userZeroCrossVetoThresh <= unsigned(zero_cross_veto_thresh(7 downto 0));
114  zero_cross_count <= std_logic_vector(zeroCrossCount);
115  veto <= vetoed;
116  data_out_end <= dataOutEnd;
117  reset_clear_veto <= resetClearVeto;
118  reset_force_veto <= resetForceVeto;
119  --assign footer signals
120  internalFooter(7 downto 0) <= std_logic_vector(zeroCrossCount(7 downto 0));
121  internalFooter(8) <= vetoed;
122  internalFooter(9) <= veto_en;
123  internalFooter(19 downto 12) <= zero_cross_thresh_high;
124  internalFooter(27 downto 20) <= zero_cross_thresh_low;
125  internalFooter(35 downto 28) <= zero_cross_veto_thresh;
127  process(clk) begin
128  --check for reset condition
129  if(rising_edge(clk)) then
131  --====================
132  --====================
133  --Reset pulsed signals
134  data_out_we <= '0';
135  sendFooter <= '0';
136  dataOutEnd <= '0';
137  resetClearVeto <= '0';
138  resetForceVeto <= '0';
139  vetoed <= '0';
140  sendPacketEnd <= '0';
143  --====================
144  --====================
145  if(data_in_we = '1') then -- reset pulsed-clock-en data
146  headerDelayOne <= '0';
147  end if;
150  --====================
151  --====================
152  -- primaray path
153  if(reset = '1') then --reset can still happen even if data_in_we is low.
154  busy <= '0';
155  analysisRunning <= '0';
156  elsif(data_in_end = '1') then -- Indicates end of header/payload data. So send external footer!
157  data_out_we <= '1';
158  data_out <= footer_in; --we need one clock to figure out if we need to veto. The header signals coming from anything else in the firmware application can be sent at this time.
160  sendFooter <= '1'; --send internal footer next clock
162  --Check if we will veto the signal and take approperate action
163  if(zeroCrossCount > userZeroCrossVetoThresh and veto_en = '1') then
164  vetoed <= '1';
165  end if;
166  elsif(sendFooter = '1') then
167  data_out_we <= '1';
168  data_out <= internalFooter; --note: includes veto info setup in previous clock
170  sendPacketEnd <= '1'; -- got to last state, note: force end must happen after last qw in packet
172  elsif(sendPacketEnd = '1') then
173  dataOutEnd <= '1'; --DONE!!! end packet
175  --DONE!!!
176  --wrap up things
177  busy <= '0';
178  analysisRunning <= '0';
179  zeroCrossCount <= (others => '0');
181  elsif(data_in_we = '1') then
183  data_out_we <= '1';
184  data_out <= data_in;
186  --The data currently on the pins is still valid and needs to be compared. We won't give the final
187  -- count until the event is actually over.
189  if(busy = '0') then -- first data! = data for header 1
190  headerDelayOne <= '1';
191  busy <= '1';
192  elsif(headerDelayOne = '1') then --data for header 2
193  --headerDelayTwo <= '1';
194  analysisRunning <= '1';
195  lastSigHigh <= '0';
196  lastSigLow <= '0';
197  zeroCrossCount <= (others => '0');
198  elsif(analysisRunning = '1') then --We have actual data! start the analysis process
199  --If last time was not high and this time is, incriment the counter
200  if(lastSigHigh = '0') then
201  if(sampleOne > userZeroCrossThreshHigh or sampleTwo > userZeroCrossThreshHigh or sampleThree > userZeroCrossThreshHigh or sampleFour > userZeroCrossThreshHigh
202  or sampleFive > userZeroCrossThreshHigh or sampleSix > userZeroCrossThreshHigh or sampleSeven > userZeroCrossThreshHigh or sampleEight > userZeroCrossThreshHigh) then
203  lastSigHigh <= '1';
204  zeroCrossCount <= zeroCrossCount + 1;
205  end if;
206  end if;
208  --If the last signal set was not low and this time is low, incriment the counter
209  if(lastSigLow = '0') then
210  if(sampleOne < userZeroCrossThreshLow or sampleTwo < userZeroCrossThreshLow or sampleThree < userZeroCrossThreshLow or sampleFour < userZeroCrossThreshLow or sampleFive < userZeroCrossThreshLow
211  or sampleSix < userZeroCrossThreshLow or sampleSeven < userZeroCrossThreshLow or sampleEight < userZeroCrossThreshLow) then
212  lastSigLow <= '1';
213  zeroCrossCount <= zeroCrossCount + 1;
214  end if;
215  end if;
218  --Reset the high signal if we are no longer above threshold
219  if(lastSigHigh = '1' and sampleOne < userZeroCrossThreshHigh and sampleTwo < userZeroCrossThreshHigh and sampleThree < userZeroCrossThreshHigh and sampleFour < userZeroCrossThreshHigh
220  and sampleFive < userZeroCrossThreshHigh and sampleSix < userZeroCrossThreshHigh and sampleSeven < userZeroCrossThreshHigh and sampleEight < userZeroCrossThreshHigh) then
221  lastSigHigh <= '0';
222  end if;
224  --Reset the Low signal if we are no longer below threshold
225  if(lastSigLow = '1' and sampleOne > userZeroCrossThreshLow and sampleTwo > userZeroCrossThreshLow and sampleThree > userZeroCrossThreshLow and sampleFour > userZeroCrossThreshLow and sampleFive > userZeroCrossThreshLow
226  and sampleSix > userZeroCrossThreshLow and sampleSeven > userZeroCrossThreshLow and sampleEight > userZeroCrossThreshLow) then
227  lastSigLow <= '0';
228  end if;
229  end if;
231  end if; -- end elsif(data_in_we = '1') then
233  --====================
234  --====================
235  ---user controlled signals:
237  --Clear veto signal
238  if(force_veto = '1') then --Force veto signal
239  vetoed <= '1';
240  resetForceVeto <= '0'; --never reset flipflop
241  elsif(clear_veto = '1') then
242  vetoed <= '0';
243  resetClearVeto <= '0'; --never reset flipflop
244  end if;
247  end if;
249  end process;
250 end Behavioral;