otsdaq_prepmodernization  v2_05_02_indev
1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 --
3 -- Title : GEC_TX_SEQ_CTL
4 -- Design : ethernet_controller
5 -- Author : aprosser
6 -- Company : CD_CEPA_ESE
7 --
8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 --
10 -- File : d:\Projects\otsdaq\OtS Ethernet MAC firmware\ActiveHDL_proj\ethernet_controller\compile\tx_seq_ctl.vhd
11 -- Generated : 06/01/16 15:03:44
12 -- From : d:/Projects/otsdaq/OtS Ethernet MAC firmware/ActiveHDL_proj/ethernet_controller/src/tx_seq_ctl.asf
13 -- By : FSM2VHDL ver.
14 --
15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 --
17 -- Description :
18 --
19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 library IEEE;
22 use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
23 use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.all;
24 use work.params_package.all;
26 entity tx_seq_ctl is
27  port (
28  clk: in STD_LOGIC;
29  ctrl_info_fifo_empty: in STD_LOGIC;
30  data_fifo_empty: in STD_LOGIC;
31  data_fifo_rd_data: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (63 downto 0);
32  data_info_fifo_empty: in STD_LOGIC;
33  dest_busy: in STD_LOGIC;
34  four_bit_mode: in STD_LOGIC;
35  info_fifo_rd_data: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);
36  reset: in STD_LOGIC;
37  user_tx_enable_out: in STD_LOGIC;
38  data_fifo_rden: out STD_LOGIC;
39  fifo_sel: out STD_LOGIC;
40  info_fifo_rden: out STD_LOGIC;
41  ret_to_sender: out STD_LOGIC;
42  tx_data: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
43  user_trigger: out STD_LOGIC;
44  user_tx_size_in: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (10 downto 0));
45 end tx_seq_ctl;
47 architecture arch of tx_seq_ctl is
49 -- diagram signals declarations
50 signal byte_count: UNSIGNED (2 downto 0);
51 signal clken: STD_LOGIC;
52 signal data_fifo_rd_data_reg: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (63 downto 0);
53 signal data_fifo_rden_sig: STD_LOGIC;
54 signal fifo_sel_sig: STD_LOGIC;
55 signal info_fifo_rden_sig: STD_LOGIC;
56 signal qw_count: UNSIGNED (7 downto 0);
57 signal seq_count: UNSIGNED (7 downto 0);
58 signal tx_data_count: UNSIGNED (10 downto 0);
60 -- BINARY ENCODED state machine: Sreg0
61 attribute ENUM_ENCODING: string;
62 type Sreg0_type is (
63  S7, S1, savecount, read_Ififo, S2, idle, txmtdone, chk_busy, S5, trgrd
64 );
65 attribute ENUM_ENCODING of Sreg0_type: type is
66  "0000 " & -- S7
67  "0001 " & -- S1
68  "0010 " & -- savecount
69  "0011 " & -- read_Ififo
70  "0100 " & -- S2
71  "0101 " & -- idle
72  "0110 " & -- txmtdone
73  "0111 " & -- chk_busy
74  "1000 " & -- S5
75  "1001" ; -- trgrd
77 signal Sreg0: Sreg0_type;
79 attribute STATE_VECTOR: string;
80 attribute STATE_VECTOR of arch: architecture is "Sreg0";
82 begin
84 -- concurrent signals assignments
86 -- Diagram ACTION
87 info_fifo_rden <= info_fifo_rden_sig and clken;
88 data_fifo_rden <= data_fifo_rden_sig and clken;
89 fifo_sel <= fifo_sel_sig;
90 four_bit_proc : process (clk)
91 begin
92  if rising_edge(clk) then
93  if (four_bit_mode = '1') then
94  clken <= not clken;
95  else
96  clken <= '1';
97  end if;
98  end if;
99 end process;
101 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
102 -- Machine: Sreg0
103 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
104 Sreg0_machine: process (clk)
105 begin
106  if clk'event and clk = '1' then
107  if reset = '1' then
108  Sreg0 <= idle;
109  -- Set default values for outputs, signals and variables
110  info_fifo_rden_sig <= '0';
111  data_fifo_rden_sig <= '0';
112  seq_count <= (others => '0');
113  user_trigger <= '0';
114  user_tx_size_in <= (others => '0');
115  qw_count <= (others => '0');
116  tx_data_count <= (others => '0');
117  data_fifo_rd_data_reg <= (others => '0');
118  byte_count <= (others => '0');
119  fifo_sel_sig <= '0';
120  ret_to_sender <= '0';
121  else
122  if clken = '1' then
123  -- Set default values for outputs, signals and variables
124  info_fifo_rden_sig <= '0';
125  data_fifo_rden_sig <= '0';
126  case Sreg0 is
127  when S7 =>
128  Sreg0 <= txmtdone;
129  user_trigger <= '0';
130  seq_count <= seq_count + 1;
131  when S1 =>
132  Sreg0 <= S2;
133  -- add return code and sequence counter byte to
134  -- produce the final number of bytes
135  tx_data_count <= tx_data_count + 2;
136  when savecount =>
137  Sreg0 <= S1;
138  -- get number of quad words
139  qw_count <= unsigned(info_fifo_rd_data(15 downto 8));
140  -- assert the return code to the Ethernet Controller
141  -- so that the first byte is ready and waiting
142  tx_data(7 downto 2) <= info_fifo_rd_data(7 downto 2);
143  if(fifo_sel_sig = '1') then -- data fifo, use burst codes
144  tx_data(1 downto 0) <= info_fifo_rd_data(1 downto 0);
145  ret_to_sender <= '0';
146  else -- ctrl fifo, use ret to sender bit
147  tx_data(1 downto 0) <= '0' & info_fifo_rd_data(0);
148  ret_to_sender <= not info_fifo_rd_data(1);
149  end if;
150  -- compute number of bytes in quad words to be returned to PC
151  -- multiplies quad word count by 8
152  tx_data_count <= unsigned(info_fifo_rd_data(15 downto 8) & "000");
153  if (unsigned(info_fifo_rd_data(15 downto 8)) /= 0) then
154  -- read a data quad word for initialization
155  data_fifo_rden_sig <= '1';
156  end if;
157  when read_Ififo =>
158  Sreg0 <= savecount;
159  when S2 =>
160  Sreg0 <= chk_busy;
161  user_tx_size_in <= std_logic_vector(tx_data_count);
162  -- present byte count to GEC
163  when idle =>
164  if data_info_fifo_empty = '0' or
165  ctrl_info_fifo_empty = '0' then -- Then there is data to send!
166  Sreg0 <= read_Ififo;
167  -- Read the info word
168  info_fifo_rden_sig <= '1';
169  byte_count <= (others => '0');
170  -- 0 for ctrl fifo, 1 for burst data fifo
171  fifo_sel_sig <= not data_info_fifo_empty;
172  end if;
173  when txmtdone =>
174  Sreg0 <= idle;
175  when chk_busy =>
176  if dest_busy = '0' then
177  Sreg0 <= trgrd;
178  -- EC not busy, assert trigger
179  user_trigger <= '1';
180  -- prepare first quad word if there is one
181  data_fifo_rd_data_reg <= data_fifo_rd_data;
182  elsif dest_busy = '1' then
183  Sreg0 <= chk_busy;
184  end if;
185  when S5 =>
186  if byte_count = 0 and qw_count = 0 then
187  Sreg0 <= S7;
188  else
189  Sreg0 <= S5;
190  tx_data <= data_fifo_rd_data_reg(7 downto 0);
191  byte_count <= byte_count + 1;
192  if (byte_count = 2 and qw_count > 1)then
193  -- Read a new data quad word from data fifo with plenty of time to spare
194  data_fifo_rden_sig <= '1';
195  end if;
196  if (byte_count = 7) then --ready for next quadword
197  -- register next quad word from data fifo
198  data_fifo_rd_data_reg <= data_fifo_rd_data;
199  qw_count <= qw_count - 1;
200  else -- on current quadword
201  -- shift next byte into position
202  data_fifo_rd_data_reg <= x"00" & data_fifo_rd_data_reg(63 downto 8);
203  end if;
204  end if;
205  when trgrd =>
206  if user_tx_enable_out = '1' then
207  Sreg0 <= S5;
208  tx_data <= std_logic_vector(seq_count);
209  elsif -- trigger sent, wait for tx enable
210  user_tx_enable_out = '0' then
211  Sreg0 <= trgrd;
212  end if;
213 --vhdl_cover_off
214  when others =>
215  null;
216 --vhdl_cover_on
217  end case;
218  end if;
219  end if;
220  end if;
221 end process;
223 end arch;