99signaltriggered:std_logic;--Means that a signal is over the threshold. Sync with clk.
101 --each trigger attribute gets it's own signal
102signalthreshTrigEn:std_logic; --Threshold Mode is enabled
103signalthreshHigh:std_logic; --Treshold will trigger if the signal is above the threshold
104signallastThreshTrigState:std_logic; --Keeps track of whether we were triggered last clock so that we don't trigger multiple times for the same event.
105signalmanualTrigEn:std_logic; --Manual Mode is enabled
106signalextTrigEn:std_logic; --External Trig Mode is enabled
107signalextTrigRising:std_logic; --Trigger on the rising edge of the external trigger
108signallastExtTrigState:std_logic; --The last state of the external trigger