ots::WizardSupervisor Class Reference

#include <otsdaq/WizardSupervisor/WizardSupervisor.h>

Inheritance diagram for ots::WizardSupervisor:

Public Member Functions

 WizardSupervisor (xdaq::ApplicationStub *)
void init (void)
void destroy (void)
void generateURL (void)
void Default (xgi::Input *in, xgi::Output *out)
void verification (xgi::Input *in, xgi::Output *out)
void request (xgi::Input *in, xgi::Output *out)
void requestIcons (xgi::Input *in, xgi::Output *out)
void editSecurity (xgi::Input *in, xgi::Output *out)
void UserSettings (xgi::Input *in, xgi::Output *out)
void tooltipRequest (xgi::Input *in, xgi::Output *out)
void toggleSecurityCodeGeneration (xgi::Input *in, xgi::Output *out)
std::string validateUploadFileType (const std::string fileType)
void cleanUpPreviews ()
void savePostPreview (std::string &subject, std::string &text, const std::vector< cgicc::FormFile > &files, std::string creator, HttpXmlDocument *xmldoc=nullptr)
xoap::MessageReference supervisorSequenceCheck (xoap::MessageReference message)
 External Supervisor XOAP handlers.
xoap::MessageReference supervisorLastTableGroupRequest (xoap::MessageReference message)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ots::SOAPMessenger
 SOAPMessenger (xdaq::Application *application)
 SOAPMessenger (const SOAPMessenger &aSOAPMessenger)
std::string send (XDAQ_CONST_CALL xdaq::ApplicationDescriptor *d, xoap::MessageReference message)
std::string send (XDAQ_CONST_CALL xdaq::ApplicationDescriptor *d, SOAPCommand soapCommand)
std::string send (XDAQ_CONST_CALL xdaq::ApplicationDescriptor *d, std::string command)
std::string send (XDAQ_CONST_CALL xdaq::ApplicationDescriptor *d, std::string command, SOAPParameters parameters)
std::string sendStatus (XDAQ_CONST_CALL xdaq::ApplicationDescriptor *d, std::string message)
xoap::MessageReference sendWithSOAPReply (XDAQ_CONST_CALL xdaq::ApplicationDescriptor *d, xoap::MessageReference message)
xoap::MessageReference sendWithSOAPReply (XDAQ_CONST_CALL xdaq::ApplicationDescriptor *d, SOAPCommand soapCommand)
xoap::MessageReference sendWithSOAPReply (XDAQ_CONST_CALL xdaq::ApplicationDescriptor *d, std::string command)
xoap::MessageReference sendWithSOAPReply (XDAQ_CONST_CALL xdaq::ApplicationDescriptor *d, std::string command, SOAPParameters parameters)

Static Public Member Functions

static void printURL (WizardSupervisor *ptr, std::string securityCode)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from ots::SOAPMessenger
xdaq::Application * theApplication_

Detailed Description

WizardSupervisor This class is a xdaq application.

It is instantiated by the xdaq context when otsdaq is in "Wiz Mode."

It is different from the "Normal Mode" Gateway Supervisor in that it does not have a state machine and does not inherit properties from CorePropertySupervisorBase. The assumption is that only admins have access to wiz mode, and they have access to all features of it.

Definition at line 46 of file WizardSupervisor.h.

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