ots::CoreSupervisorBase Class Reference

#include <otsdaq/CoreSupervisors/CoreSupervisorBase.h>

Inheritance diagram for ots::CoreSupervisorBase:
ots::SOAPMessenger ots::CorePropertySupervisorBase ots::RunControlStateMachine ots::ARTDAQDataManagerSupervisor ots::ARTDAQOnlineMonitorSupervisor ots::ARTDAQSupervisor ots::CodeEditorSupervisor ots::DataManagerSupervisor ots::FESupervisor ots::FEDataManagerSupervisor ots::ARTDAQFEDataManagerSupervisor

Public Member Functions

 CoreSupervisorBase (xdaq::ApplicationStub *stub)
void destroy (void)
unsigned int getSupervisorLID (void) const
virtual void defaultPage (xgi::Input *in, xgi::Output *out)
virtual void request (const std::string &requestType, cgicc::Cgicc &cgiIn, HttpXmlDocument &xmlOut, const WebUsers::RequestUserInfo &userInfo)
virtual void nonXmlRequest (const std::string &requestType, cgicc::Cgicc &cgiIn, std::ostream &out, const WebUsers::RequestUserInfo &userInfo)
virtual std::string getStatusProgressDetail (void)
virtual std::vector< SupervisorInfo::SubappInfogetSubappInfo (void)
void stateMachineXgiHandler (xgi::Input *in, xgi::Output *out)
 State Machine request handlers.
xoap::MessageReference stateMachineXoapHandler (xoap::MessageReference message)
xoap::MessageReference stateMachineStateRequest (xoap::MessageReference message)
xoap::MessageReference stateMachineErrorMessageRequest (xoap::MessageReference message)
void sendAsyncExceptionToGateway (const std::string &errMsg, bool isPauseException, bool isStopException)
virtual xoap::MessageReference workLoopStatusRequest (xoap::MessageReference message)
virtual xoap::MessageReference applicationStatusRequest (xoap::MessageReference message)
bool stateMachineThread (toolbox::task::WorkLoop *workLoop)
virtual void stateInitial (toolbox::fsm::FiniteStateMachine &fsm)
virtual void statePaused (toolbox::fsm::FiniteStateMachine &fsm)
virtual void stateRunning (toolbox::fsm::FiniteStateMachine &fsm)
virtual void stateHalted (toolbox::fsm::FiniteStateMachine &fsm)
virtual void stateConfigured (toolbox::fsm::FiniteStateMachine &fsm)
virtual void inError (toolbox::fsm::FiniteStateMachine &fsm)
virtual void transitionConfiguring (toolbox::Event::Reference event)
virtual void transitionHalting (toolbox::Event::Reference event)
virtual void transitionInitializing (toolbox::Event::Reference event)
virtual void transitionPausing (toolbox::Event::Reference event)
virtual void transitionResuming (toolbox::Event::Reference event)
virtual void transitionStarting (toolbox::Event::Reference event)
virtual void transitionStopping (toolbox::Event::Reference event)
virtual void enteringError (toolbox::Event::Reference event)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ots::SOAPMessenger
 SOAPMessenger (xdaq::Application *application)
 SOAPMessenger (const SOAPMessenger &aSOAPMessenger)
std::string send (XDAQ_CONST_CALL xdaq::ApplicationDescriptor *d, xoap::MessageReference message)
std::string send (XDAQ_CONST_CALL xdaq::ApplicationDescriptor *d, SOAPCommand soapCommand)
std::string send (XDAQ_CONST_CALL xdaq::ApplicationDescriptor *d, std::string command)
std::string send (XDAQ_CONST_CALL xdaq::ApplicationDescriptor *d, std::string command, SOAPParameters parameters)
std::string sendStatus (XDAQ_CONST_CALL xdaq::ApplicationDescriptor *d, std::string message)
xoap::MessageReference sendWithSOAPReply (XDAQ_CONST_CALL xdaq::ApplicationDescriptor *d, xoap::MessageReference message)
xoap::MessageReference sendWithSOAPReply (XDAQ_CONST_CALL xdaq::ApplicationDescriptor *d, SOAPCommand soapCommand)
xoap::MessageReference sendWithSOAPReply (XDAQ_CONST_CALL xdaq::ApplicationDescriptor *d, std::string command)
xoap::MessageReference sendWithSOAPReply (XDAQ_CONST_CALL xdaq::ApplicationDescriptor *d, std::string command, SOAPParameters parameters)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ots::CorePropertySupervisorBase
 CorePropertySupervisorBase (xdaq::Application *application)
XDAQ_CONST_CALL xdaq::ApplicationDescriptor * getGatewaySupervisorDescriptor (void)
 will be wizard supervisor in wiz mode More...
virtual void setSupervisorPropertyDefaults (void)
 override to control supervisor specific defaults More...
virtual void forceSupervisorPropertyValues (void)
 override to force supervisor property values (and ignore user settings)
void getRequestUserInfo (WebUsers::RequestUserInfo &requestUserInfo)
ConfigurationTree getContextTreeNode (void) const
ConfigurationTree getSupervisorTableNode (void) const
const std::string & getContextUID (void) const
const std::string & getSupervisorUID (void) const
const std::string & getSupervisorConfigurationPath (void) const
void resetPropertiesAreSetup (void)
ConfigurationTree getSupervisorTreeNode (void)
void loadUserSupervisorProperties (void)
template<class T >
void setSupervisorProperty (const std::string &propertyName, const T &propertyValue)
void setSupervisorProperty (const std::string &propertyName, const std::string &propertyValue)
template<class T >
void addSupervisorProperty (const std::string &propertyName, const T &propertyValue)
void addSupervisorProperty (const std::string &propertyName, const std::string &propertyValue)
template<class T >
getSupervisorProperty (const std::string &propertyName)
template<class T >
getSupervisorProperty (const std::string &propertyName, const T &defaultValue)
std::string getSupervisorProperty (const std::string &propertyName)
std::string getSupervisorProperty (const std::string &propertyName, const std::string &defaultValue)
WebUsers::permissionLevel_t getSupervisorPropertyUserPermissionsThreshold (const std::string &requestType)
time_t getSupervisorUptime (void) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ots::RunControlStateMachine
 RunControlStateMachine (const std::string &name="Undefined Name")
void reset (void)
void setStateMachineName (const std::string &name)
const std::string & getErrorMessage (void) const
void setAsyncPauseExceptionMessage (const std::string &error)
void setAsyncStopExceptionMessage (const std::string &error)
template<class OBJECT >
void addStateTransition (toolbox::fsm::State from, toolbox::fsm::State to, const std::string &input, const std::string &transitionName, OBJECT *obj, void(OBJECT::*func)(toolbox::Event::Reference))
template<class OBJECT >
void addStateTransition (toolbox::fsm::State from, toolbox::fsm::State to, const std::string &input, const std::string &transitionName, const std::string &transitionParameter, OBJECT *obj, void(OBJECT::*func)(toolbox::Event::Reference))
virtual void stateShutdown (toolbox::fsm::FiniteStateMachine &)
virtual void transitionShuttingDown (toolbox::Event::Reference)
virtual void transitionStartingUp (toolbox::Event::Reference)
xoap::MessageReference runControlMessageHandler (xoap::MessageReference message)
 Run Control Messages. More...
unsigned int getIterationIndex (void)
unsigned int getSubIterationIndex (void)
void indicateIterationWork (void)
void clearIterationWork (void)
bool getIterationWork (void)
void indicateSubIterationWork (void)
void clearSubIterationWork (void)
bool getSubIterationWork (void)
const std::string & getLastCommand (void)
const std::string & getLastAttemptedConfigureGroup (void)

Static Public Attributes

static const std::string WORK_LOOP_DONE = "Done"
static const std::string WORK_LOOP_WORKING = "Working"
- Static Public Attributes inherited from ots::RunControlStateMachine
static const std::string FAILED_STATE_NAME = FiniteStateMachine::FAILED_STATE_NAME
static const std::string INITIAL_STATE_NAME = "Initial"
static const std::string HALTED_STATE_NAME = "Halted"
static const std::string PAUSED_STATE_NAME = "Paused"
static const std::string RUNNING_STATE_NAME = "Running"
static const std::string SHUTDOWN_STATE_NAME = "Shutdown"
static const std::string CONFIGURED_STATE_NAME = "Configured"
static const std::string SHUTDOWN_TRANSITION_NAME = "Shutdown"
static const std::string STARTUP_TRANSITION_NAME = "Startup"
static const std::string INIT_TRANSITION_NAME = "Initialize"
static const std::string ERROR_TRANSITION_NAME = FiniteStateMachine::ERROR_TRANSITION_NAME
static const std::string FAIL_TRANSITION_NAME = "Fail"
static const std::string CONFIGURE_TRANSITION_NAME = "Configure"
static const std::string HALT_TRANSITION_NAME = "Halt"
static const std::string ABORT_TRANSITION_NAME = "Abort"
static const std::string PAUSE_TRANSITION_NAME = "Pause"
static const std::string RESUME_TRANSITION_NAME = "Resume"
static const std::string START_TRANSITION_NAME = "Start"
static const std::string STOP_TRANSITION_NAME = "Stop"

Protected Member Functions

void transitionConfiguringFSMs (void)
void preStateMachineExecution (unsigned int i)
void postStateMachineExecution (unsigned int i)
void preStateMachineExecutionLoop (void)
void postStateMachineExecutionLoop (void)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ots::CorePropertySupervisorBase
xoap::MessageReference TRACESupervisorRequest (xoap::MessageReference message)
const std::string & getTraceLevels (void)
const std::string & setTraceLevels (std::string const &host, std::string const &mode, std::string const &labelsStr, uint32_t setValueMSB, uint32_t setValueLSB)
const std::string & setIndividualTraceLevels (std::string const &host, std::string const &mode, std::string const &labelValuesStr)
const std::string & getTraceTriggerStatus (void)
const std::string & setTraceTriggerEnable (std::string const &host, size_t entriesAfterTrigger)
const std::string & resetTRACE (std::string const &host)
const std::string & enableTRACE (std::string const &host, bool enable)
const std::string & getTraceSnapshot (std::string const &host, std::string const &filterFor, std::string const &filterOut)

Protected Attributes

WorkLoopManager stateMachineWorkLoopManager_
toolbox::BSem stateMachineSemaphore_
std::vector< VStateMachine * > theStateMachineImplementation_
std::vector< bool > stateMachinesIterationDone_
 for managing transition iterations
unsigned int stateMachinesIterationWorkCount_
unsigned int subIterationWorkStateMachineIndex_
RemoteWebUsers theRemoteWebUsers_
- Protected Attributes inherited from ots::SOAPMessenger
xdaq::Application * theApplication_
- Protected Attributes inherited from ots::CorePropertySupervisorBase
const std::string supervisorClass_
const std::string supervisorClassNoNamespace_
 only define for an app that receives a command
- Protected Attributes inherited from ots::RunControlStateMachine
FiniteStateMachine theStateMachine_
ProgressBar theProgressBar_
volatile bool asyncFailureReceived_
volatile bool asyncPauseExceptionReceived_
volatile bool asyncStopExceptionReceived_
unsigned int iterationIndex_ = 0
unsigned int subIterationIndex_ = 0
bool iterationWorkFlag_
bool subIterationWorkFlag_
toolbox::fsm::State lastIterationState_
std::string lastIterationCommand_
std::string lastAttemptedConfigureGroup_
std::string lastIterationResult_
unsigned int lastIterationIndex_
unsigned int lastSubIterationIndex_
std::map< toolbox::fsm::State, std::map< std::string, void(RunControlStateMachine::*)(toolbox::Event::Reference), std::less< std::string > > > stateTransitionFunctionTable_


class MacroMakerSupervisor

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ots::CorePropertySupervisorBase
static void extractPermissionsMapFromString (const std::string &permissionsString, std::map< std::string, WebUsers::permissionLevel_t > &permissionsMap)
static bool doPermissionsGrantAccess (std::map< std::string, WebUsers::permissionLevel_t > &permissionLevelsMap, std::map< std::string, WebUsers::permissionLevel_t > &permissionThresholdsMap)
- Public Attributes inherited from ots::CorePropertySupervisorBase
AllSupervisorInfo allSupervisorInfo_
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from ots::CorePropertySupervisorBase
static void indicateOtsAlive (const CorePropertySupervisorBase *properties=0)
static void indicateOtsDead (const CorePropertySupervisorBase *properties=0)
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from ots::CorePropertySupervisorBase
static const struct ots::CorePropertySupervisorBase::SupervisorProperties SUPERVISOR_PROPERTIES

Detailed Description

CoreSupervisorBase This class should be the base class for all client otsdaq, XDAQ-based, supervisors. That is, all supervisors that need web requests through the ots desktop with access verified by the Gateway Supervisor, or that need a state machines driven by the Gateway Supervisor.

Definition at line 44 of file CoreSupervisorBase.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ defaultPage()

void CoreSupervisorBase::defaultPage ( xgi::Input *  in,
xgi::Output *  out 

Here are the common web request handlers: defaultPage returns the public html page request checks the login before proceeding to virtual request

  • All Supervisors should implement request for their actions (and they will get the security wrapper for free)
  • The security setting defaults can be setup or forced by overriding setSupervisorPropertyDefaults and forceSupervisorProperties

Reimplemented in ots::CodeEditorSupervisor.

Definition at line 90 of file

◆ getStatusProgressDetail()

std::string CoreSupervisorBase::getStatusProgressDetail ( void  )

virtual progress string that can be overridden with more info e.g. steps and sub-steps however integer 0-100 should be first number, then separated by : colons e.g. 94:FE0:1:2

Reimplemented in ots::ARTDAQSupervisor.

Definition at line 468 of file

◆ nonXmlRequest()

void CoreSupervisorBase::nonXmlRequest ( const std::string &  requestType,
cgicc::Cgicc &  cgiIn,
std::ostream &  out,
const WebUsers::RequestUserInfo userInfo 

nonXmlRequest Supervisors should override this function. It will be called after user access has been verified according to the Supervisor Property settings. The CoreSupervisorBase class provides consistent access, responses, and error handling across all inheriting supervisors that use ::request.

Definition at line 357 of file

◆ request()

void CoreSupervisorBase::request ( const std::string &  requestType,
cgicc::Cgicc &  cgiIn,
HttpXmlDocument xmlOut,
const WebUsers::RequestUserInfo userInfo 

request Supervisors should override this function. It will be called after user access has been verified according to the Supervisor Property settings. The CoreSupervisorBase class provides consistent access, responses, and error handling across all inheriting supervisors that use ::request.

Reimplemented in ots::CodeEditorSupervisor.

Definition at line 291 of file

◆ sendAsyncExceptionToGateway()

void CoreSupervisorBase::sendAsyncExceptionToGateway ( const std::string &  errorMessage,
bool  isPauseException,
bool  isStopException 

SendAsyncErrorToGateway Static – thread Send async error or soft error to gateway Call this as thread so that parent calling function (workloop) can end.

Definition at line 1281 of file

◆ stateConfigured()

void CoreSupervisorBase::stateConfigured ( toolbox::fsm::FiniteStateMachine &  )
  1. XDAQ applications are configured.
  2. Run parameters have been distributed.
  3. Hardware is configured.
  4. I2O connections are established, no data is sent or read out.
  5. Triggers are not sent.

Reimplemented from ots::RunControlStateMachine.

Definition at line 592 of file

◆ stateHalted()

void CoreSupervisorBase::stateHalted ( toolbox::fsm::FiniteStateMachine &  )
  1. Control hierarchy is instantiated.
  2. XDAQ executives are running and configured.
  3. XDAQ applications are loaded and instantiated.
  4. DCS nodes are allocated.

Reimplemented from ots::RunControlStateMachine.

Definition at line 580 of file

◆ stateInitial()

void CoreSupervisorBase::stateInitial ( toolbox::fsm::FiniteStateMachine &  )

using stateMachineFunction_t = void (ots::RunControlStateMachine::* )(toolbox::Event::Reference); stateMachineFunction_t getTransitionFunction (const toolbox::fsm::State from, const std::string &transition);

Finite State Machine States

  1. Control Configuration and Function Manager are loaded.

Reimplemented from ots::RunControlStateMachine.

Definition at line 574 of file

◆ statePaused()

void CoreSupervisorBase::statePaused ( toolbox::fsm::FiniteStateMachine &  )
  1. XDAQ applications are running.
  2. Hardware is running.
  3. Triggers are accepted.
  4. Triggers are not sent.
  5. Data is sent / read out.

Reimplemented from ots::RunControlStateMachine.

Definition at line 598 of file

◆ stateRunning()

void CoreSupervisorBase::stateRunning ( toolbox::fsm::FiniteStateMachine &  )
  1. XDAQ applications are running.
  2. Hardware is running.
  3. Triggers are accepted.
  4. Triggers are sent.
  5. Data is sent / read out.

Reimplemented from ots::RunControlStateMachine.

Definition at line 586 of file

◆ transitionHalting()

void CoreSupervisorBase::transitionHalting ( toolbox::Event::Reference  event)

transitionHalting Ignore errors if coming from Failed state

Reimplemented from ots::RunControlStateMachine.

Reimplemented in ots::FESupervisor, ots::ARTDAQSupervisor, and ots::ARTDAQOnlineMonitorSupervisor.

Definition at line 895 of file

◆ transitionInitializing()

void CoreSupervisorBase::transitionInitializing ( toolbox::Event::Reference  event)

Inheriting supervisor classes should not override this function, or should at least also call it in the override to maintain property functionality.

Reimplemented from ots::RunControlStateMachine.

Reimplemented in ots::ARTDAQSupervisor, and ots::ARTDAQOnlineMonitorSupervisor.

Definition at line 989 of file

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ MacroMakerSupervisor

friend class MacroMakerSupervisor

to allow MacroMakerSupervisor to call requestWrapper in Macro Maker mode

Definition at line 49 of file CoreSupervisorBase.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: