otsdaq_utilities  v2_05_02_indev
1 examples_main = {
2  TGeo : [
3  { name:"logo", asurl: true, file: "geom/rootgeom.root", item: "simple1;1", title:"Geometry from rootgeom.C example" },
4  { name:"prim", file: "geom/geodemo.root", layout: "vert333", items: ['box','para','arb8','trap','gtra','trd1','trd2','xtru'], opts: ['z','z','z','z','z','z','z','z','z'], title:"Basic TGeo primitives from tutorials/geom/geodemo.C" },
5  { name:"prim2", file: "geom/geodemo.root", layout: "vert333", items: ['cone','coneseg','tube','tubeseg','ctub','eltu','pcon','pgon'], opts: ['z','z','z','z','z','z','z','z'], title:"Basic TGeo primitives from tutorials/geom/geodemo.C" },
6  { name:"prim3", file: "geom/geodemo.root", layout: "grid3x2", items: ['sphere','torus','parab','hype','comp'], opts: ['z','z','z','z','z'], title:"Basic TGeo primitives from tutorials/geom/geodemo.C" },
7  { name:"comp", url: "?nobrowser&file=$$$geom/geodemo.root+&layout=grid2x2&items=[comp;1/Left,comp;1/Right,comp;1,comp;1]&opts=[az,az,comp_az,az]", title:"Components of composite shape" },
8  { name:"building", asurl: true, file: "geom/building.root", item: "geom;1", opt: "allz", title: "Geometry from tutorials/geom/building.C" },
9  { name:"alice", asurl: true, file: "https://root.cern/files/alice2.root", item: "Geometry;1", opt: "macro:https://root.cern/js/files/geomAlice.C;black", title: "ALICE geometry" },
10  { name:"atlas", asurl: true, file: "https://root.cern/files/atlas.root", item: "atlas;1", opt: "dflt;black", title:"ATLAS geometry" },
11  { name:"cms", asurl: true, file: "https://root.cern/files/cms.root", item: "cms;1", opt: "macro:https://root.cern/files/cms_cmse.C;clipxyz;black", title: "CMS geomtery" },
12  { name:"lhcb", asurl: true, file: "https://root.cern/files/lhcbfull.root", item: "Geometry;1", opt: "all;dflt;black", title: "LHCb geometry" },
13  { name:"eve", asurl: true, json: "geom/evegeoshape.json.gz", title: "Example of drawing snapshot of volumes from EVE" },
14  { name:"tracks", url: "?nobrowser&json=$$$geom/evegeoshape.json.gz&file=$$$geom/eve_tracks.root&item=evegeoshape.json.gz+eve_tracks.root/tracks;1", title:"Overlap of geometry with tracks, read from separate file" },
15  { name:"tracks+hits", url: "?nobrowser&json=$$$geom/simple_alice.json.gz&file=$$$geom/tracks_hits.root&item=simple_alice.json.gz+tracks_hits.root/tracks;1+tracks_hits.root/hits;1&opt=black", title:"Overlap of simple ALICE geometry with tracks and hits, read from separate file" },
16  { name: "proj", url: "?nobrowser&layout=h12_21&files=[https://root.cern/files/alice_ESDgeometry.root,$$$geom/eve_tracks.root]&items=[[[0]/Gentle,[1]/tracks],[0]/Gentle,[0]/Gentle]&opts=[main;black,projz;black,projx;black]", title: "Simple ALICE geometry and two projections" },
17  { name: "overlap", asurl: true, file: "geom/overlap.root", item: "default/Overlaps/ov00010", itemfield: "Overlaps/ov00010", title: "example of TGeoOverlap" },
18  { name: "half", json: "geom/comp_half.json.gz", title: "Use of TGeoHalfSpace for building composites" },
19  { name: "atlas_cryo", asurl: true, file: "https://root.cern/files/atlas.root", item: "atlas;1", opt: "macro:https://root.cern/files/atlas_c\
20 ryo.C" },
21  { name: "atlas_simple", asurl: true, json: "geom/simple_atlas.json.gz", opt: "ac" },
22  { name: "star", asurl: true, json: "geom/star_svtt.json.gz" },
23  { name: "hades", asurl: true, json: "geom/hades.json.gz" },
24  { name: "babar", asurl: true, json: "geom/babar_emca.json.gz" },
25  { name: "alice_simple", asurl: true, json: "geom/simple_alice.json.gz", title: "simple alice geomtery" },
26  { name: "Dipole", url: "?nobrowser&file=https://root.cern/files/alice2.root&item=Geometry;1/ALIC/Dipole_1", title: "Part of volumes from ge\
27 o manager" },
28  { name: "tank", asurl: true, file: "https://root.cern/files/tank.root", item: "geom;1", opt: "z;rotate", title: "Just for fun" },
29  { name: "lego", asurl: true, file: "https://root.cern/files/lego.root", item: "geom;1", opt: "z;rotate", title: "Just for fun" },
30  { name: "cheon", asurl: true, file: "https://root.cern/files/cheongwadae.root", item: "geom;1", opt: "", title: "One more building" },
31  { name: "proj2", url: "?nobrowser&layout=h21_12&files=[https://root.cern/files/alice_ESDgeometry.root,$$$geom/eve_tracks.root]&items=[[0]/G\
32 entle,[0]/Gentle,[[0]/Gentle,[1]/tracks]]&opts=[projz,projx,main;black]", title: "Place main drawing not on the first place" }
34  ]
35  };