This is the complete list of members for ots::XDAQContextTable, including all inherited members.
activeTableView_ (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | protected |
changeVersionAndActivateView(TableVersion temporaryVersion, TableVersion version) (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
ChatTypeClassNames_ (defined in ots::XDAQContextTable) | ots::XDAQContextTable | static |
checkForDuplicate(TableVersion needleVersion, TableVersion ignoreVersion=TableVersion()) const (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
colApplication_ (defined in ots::XDAQContextTable) | ots::XDAQContextTable | static |
colAppProperty_ (defined in ots::XDAQContextTable) | ots::XDAQContextTable | static |
colContext_ (defined in ots::XDAQContextTable) | ots::XDAQContextTable | static |
ConfigurationGUITypeClassNames_ (defined in ots::XDAQContextTable) | ots::XDAQContextTable | static |
ConsoleTypeClassNames_ (defined in ots::XDAQContextTable) | ots::XDAQContextTable | static |
convertToCaps(std::string &str, bool isConfigName=false) (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | static |
copyView(const TableView &sourceView, TableVersion destinationVersion, const std::string &author) (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
createTemporaryView(TableVersion sourceViewVersion=TableVersion(), TableVersion destTemporaryViewVersion=TableVersion::getNextTemporaryVersion()) (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
deactivate(void) (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
DEPRECATED_SUPERVISOR_CLASS (defined in ots::XDAQContextTable) | ots::XDAQContextTable | static |
destroy(void) (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | inline |
DMTypeClassNames_ (defined in ots::XDAQContextTable) | ots::XDAQContextTable | static |
eraseView(TableVersion version) (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
extractContexts(ConfigurationManager *configManager) (defined in ots::XDAQContextTable) | ots::XDAQContextTable | |
FETypeClassNames_ (defined in ots::XDAQContextTable) | ots::XDAQContextTable | static |
GATEWAY_SUPERVISOR_CLASS (defined in ots::XDAQContextTable) | ots::XDAQContextTable | static |
getApplicationNode(const ConfigurationManager *configManager, const std::string &contextUID, const std::string &appUID) (defined in ots::XDAQContextTable) | ots::XDAQContextTable | static |
getApplicationUID(const std::string &url, unsigned int id) const (defined in ots::XDAQContextTable) | ots::XDAQContextTable | |
getContextAddress(const std::string &contextUID="X", bool wantHttp=false) const (defined in ots::XDAQContextTable) | ots::XDAQContextTable | |
getContextNode(const ConfigurationManager *configManager, const std::string &contextUID) (defined in ots::XDAQContextTable) | ots::XDAQContextTable | static |
getContextOfApplication(ConfigurationManager *configManager, const std::string &appUID) const (defined in ots::XDAQContextTable) | ots::XDAQContextTable | |
getContextOfGateway(ConfigurationManager *configManager) const (defined in ots::XDAQContextTable) | ots::XDAQContextTable | |
getContexts(void) const (defined in ots::XDAQContextTable) | ots::XDAQContextTable | inline |
getContextUID(const std::string &url) const (defined in ots::XDAQContextTable) | ots::XDAQContextTable | |
getMockupViewP(void) (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
getNextTemporaryVersion(void) const (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
getNextVersion(void) const (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
getNumberOfStoredViews(void) const (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
getStoredVersions(void) const (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
getSupervisorConfigNode(const ConfigurationManager *configManager, const std::string &contextUID, const std::string &appUID) (defined in ots::XDAQContextTable) | ots::XDAQContextTable | static |
getTableDescription(void) const (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
getTableName(void) const (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
getTemporaryView(TableVersion temporaryVersion) (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
getTheARTDAQSupervisorContext(void) const (defined in ots::XDAQContextTable) | ots::XDAQContextTable | |
getTypeId(void) (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
getView(void) const (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
getViewP(void) (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
getViewVersion(void) const (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
init(ConfigurationManager *configManager) (defined in ots::XDAQContextTable) | ots::XDAQContextTable | virtual |
isActive(void) (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
isStored(const TableVersion &version) const (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
latestAndMockupColumnNumberMismatch(void) const (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
LogbookTypeClassNames_ (defined in ots::XDAQContextTable) | ots::XDAQContextTable | static |
MacroMakerTypeClassNames_ (defined in ots::XDAQContextTable) | ots::XDAQContextTable | static |
MAX_VIEWS_IN_CACHE (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
mergeViews(const TableView &sourceViewA, const TableView &sourceViewB, TableVersion destinationVersion, const std::string &author, const std::string &mergeApproach, std::map< std::pair< std::string, std::string >, std::string > &uidConversionMap, std::map< std::pair< std::string, std::pair< std::string, std::string > >, std::string > &groupidConversionMap, bool fillRecordConversionMaps, bool applyRecordConversionMaps, bool generateUniqueDataColumns=false) | ots::TableBase | |
mockupTableView_ (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | protected |
outputXDAQXML(std::ostream &out) | ots::XDAQContextTable | |
print(std::ostream &out=std::cout) const (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
reset(bool keepTemporaryVersions=false) (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
setActiveView(TableVersion version) (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
setTableDescription(const std::string &tableDescription) (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
setTableName(const std::string &tableName) (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
setupMockupView(TableVersion version) (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
TableBase(bool specialTable, const std::string &specialTableName) (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
TableBase(const std::string &tableName, std::string *accumulatedExceptions=0) (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
tableDescription_ (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | protected |
tableName_ (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | protected |
tableViews_ (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | protected |
trimCache(unsigned int trimSize=-1) (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
trimTemporary(TableVersion targetVersion=TableVersion()) (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | |
WIZARD_SUPERVISOR_CLASS (defined in ots::XDAQContextTable) | ots::XDAQContextTable | static |
XDAQContextTable(void) (defined in ots::XDAQContextTable) | ots::XDAQContextTable | |
~TableBase(void) (defined in ots::TableBase) | ots::TableBase | virtual |
~XDAQContextTable(void) (defined in ots::XDAQContextTable) | ots::XDAQContextTable | virtual |