This is the complete list of members for ots::FEProducerVInterface, including all inherited members.
addSlowControlsChannels(ConfigurationTree slowControlsGroupLink, std::map< std::string, FESlowControlsChannel > *mapOfSlowControlsChannels) | ots::FEVInterface | |
attachToEmptySubBuffer(D *&data, H *&header) (defined in ots::DataProducerBase) | ots::DataProducerBase | inline |
bufferUID_ (defined in ots::DataProcessor) | ots::DataProcessor | protected |
clearIterationWork(void) (defined in ots::VStateMachine) | ots::VStateMachine | inline |
clearSubIterationWork(void) (defined in ots::VStateMachine) | ots::VStateMachine | inline |
Configurable(const ConfigurationTree &theXDAQContextConfigTree, const std::string &theConfigurationPath) (defined in ots::Configurable) | ots::Configurable | |
ots::configure(void) | ots::FEVInterface | inlinevirtual |
configure(void)=0 (defined in ots::DataProcessor) | ots::DataProcessor | pure virtual |
configured(void) (defined in ots::VStateMachine) | ots::VStateMachine | inlinevirtual |
configureSlowControls(void) | ots::FEVInterface | virtual |
continueWorkLoop_ (defined in ots::WorkLoop) | ots::WorkLoop | protected |
copyToNextBuffer(const std::string &dataToWrite) | ots::FEProducerVInterface | virtual |
dataP_ (defined in ots::FEProducerVInterface) | ots::FEProducerVInterface | protected |
DataProcessor(std::string supervisorApplicationUID, std::string bufferUID, std::string processorUID) (defined in ots::DataProcessor) | ots::DataProcessor | |
DataProducerBase(const std::string &supervisorApplicationUID, const std::string &bufferUID, const std::string &processorUID, unsigned int bufferSize=100) (defined in ots::DataProducerBase) | ots::DataProducerBase | |
emplaceFEMacroArgumentValue(frontEndMacroArgs_t args, const std::string &argName, const T &value) const (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | protected |
FEProducerVInterface(const std::string &interfaceUID, const ConfigurationTree &theXDAQContextConfigTree, const std::string &interfaceConfigurationPath) (defined in ots::FEProducerVInterface) | ots::FEProducerVInterface | |
FEVInterface(const std::string &interfaceUID, const ConfigurationTree &theXDAQContextConfigTree, const std::string &configurationPath) (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | |
frontEndMacroArg_t typedef | ots::FEVInterface | |
frontEndMacroArgs_t typedef (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | |
frontEndMacroConstArgs_t typedef (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | |
frontEndMacroFunction_t typedef | ots::FEVInterface | |
getApplicationLID() const (defined in ots::Configurable) | ots::Configurable | |
getApplicationUID() const (defined in ots::Configurable) | ots::Configurable | |
getBufferSize(void) const (defined in ots::DataProducerBase) | ots::DataProducerBase | inline |
getConfigurationManager() const (defined in ots::Configurable) | ots::Configurable | |
getContextAddress() const (defined in ots::Configurable) | ots::Configurable | |
getContextPort() const (defined in ots::Configurable) | ots::Configurable | |
getContextUID() const (defined in ots::Configurable) | ots::Configurable | |
getFEMacroArgument(frontEndMacroArgs_t args, const std::string &argName) | ots::FEVInterface | static |
getFEMacroConstArgument(frontEndMacroConstArgs_t args, const std::string &argName) | ots::FEVInterface | static |
getInterfaceType(void) const (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | inline |
getInterfaceUID(void) const (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | inline |
getIterationIndex(void) (defined in ots::VStateMachine) | ots::VStateMachine | inline |
getIterationWork(void) (defined in ots::VStateMachine) | ots::VStateMachine | inline |
getMapOfFEMacroFunctions(void) (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | inline |
getNextBuffer(void) | ots::FEProducerVInterface | virtual |
getNextSlowControlsChannel(void) | ots::FEVInterface | virtual |
getProcessorID(void) const | ots::DataProcessor | inline |
getSelfNode() const (defined in ots::Configurable) | ots::Configurable | |
getSlowControlsChannelCount(void) | ots::FEVInterface | virtual |
getStatusProgressDetail(void) | ots::VStateMachine | inlinevirtual |
getSubIterationIndex(void) (defined in ots::VStateMachine) | ots::VStateMachine | inline |
getSubIterationWork(void) (defined in ots::VStateMachine) | ots::VStateMachine | inline |
getTransitionName(void) (defined in ots::VStateMachine) | ots::VStateMachine | inline |
getUniversalAddressSize(void) (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | inline |
getUniversalDataSize(void) (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | inline |
getWorkLoopName(void) const | ots::WorkLoop | inlineprotected |
halt(void) (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | inlinevirtual |
halted(void) (defined in ots::VStateMachine) | ots::VStateMachine | inlinevirtual |
headerP_ (defined in ots::FEProducerVInterface) | ots::FEProducerVInterface | protected |
indicateIterationWork(void) (defined in ots::VStateMachine) | ots::VStateMachine | inline |
indicateSubIterationWork(void) (defined in ots::VStateMachine) | ots::VStateMachine | inline |
inError(void) (defined in ots::VStateMachine) | ots::VStateMachine | inlinevirtual |
initial(void) (defined in ots::VStateMachine) | ots::VStateMachine | inlinevirtual |
interfaceType_ (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | protected |
interfaceUID_ (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | protected |
isActive(void) const (defined in ots::WorkLoop) | ots::WorkLoop | |
iterationAliasMap_ (defined in ots::VStateMachine) | ots::VStateMachine | protected |
mapOfFEMacroFunctions_ | ots::FEVInterface | protected |
mapOfSlowControlsChannels_ | ots::FEVInterface | protected |
mfSubject_ | ots::FEVInterface | protected |
parentInterfaceManager_ (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | |
parentSupervisor_ | ots::VStateMachine | |
pause(void) (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | inlinevirtual |
paused(void) (defined in ots::VStateMachine) | ots::VStateMachine | inlinevirtual |
pauseProcessingData(void) (defined in ots::DataProcessor) | ots::DataProcessor | inlinevirtual |
processorUID_ (defined in ots::DataProcessor) | ots::DataProcessor | protected |
receiveFromFrontEnd(const std::string &requester, T &retValue, unsigned int timeoutInSeconds=1) const | ots::FEVInterface | |
receiveFromFrontEnd(const std::string &requester, std::string &retValue, unsigned int timeoutInSeconds=1) const | ots::FEVInterface | |
receiveFromFrontEnd(const std::string &requester="*", unsigned int timeoutInSeconds=1) const | ots::FEVInterface | |
receiveFromFrontEnd(const std::string &requester="*", unsigned int timeoutInSeconds=1) const | ots::FEVInterface | |
registerFEMacroFunction(const std::string &feMacroName, frontEndMacroFunction_t feMacroFunction, const std::vector< std::string > &namesOfInputArgs, const std::vector< std::string > &namesOfOutputArgs, uint8_t requiredUserPermissions=1, const std::string &allowedCallingFEs="*", const std::string &feMacroTooltip="") | ots::FEVInterface | protected |
registerFEMacroFunction(const std::string &feMacroName, frontEndMacroFunction_t feMacroFunction, const std::vector< std::string > &namesOfInputArgs, const std::vector< std::string > &namesOfOutputArgs, const std::string &requiredUserPermissions=WebUsers::DEFAULT_USER_GROUP+":1", const std::string &allowedCallingFEs="*", const std::string &feMacroTooltip="") (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | protected |
registerToBuffer(void) | ots::DataProducerBase | virtual |
resetSlowControlsChannelIterator(void) | ots::FEVInterface | virtual |
resume(void) (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | inlinevirtual |
resumeProcessingData(void) (defined in ots::DataProcessor) | ots::DataProcessor | inlinevirtual |
runFrontEndMacro(const std::string &targetInterfaceID, const std::string &feMacroName, const std::vector< FEVInterface::frontEndMacroArg_t > &inputArgs, std::vector< FEVInterface::frontEndMacroArg_t > &outputArgs) const | ots::FEVInterface | |
runMacro(FEVInterface::macroStruct_t ¯o, std::map< std::string, uint64_t > &variableMap) | ots::FEVInterface | protected |
running(void) | ots::FEVInterface | inlinevirtual |
runSelfFrontEndMacro(const std::string &feMacroName, const std::vector< FEVInterface::frontEndMacroArg_t > &inputArgs, std::vector< FEVInterface::frontEndMacroArg_t > &outputArgs) | ots::FEVInterface | |
runSequenceOfCommands(const std::string &treeLinkName) | ots::FEVInterface | |
sendAsyncExceptionToGateway(FEVInterface *fe, const std::string &errMsg, bool isPauseException, bool isStopException) | ots::FEVInterface | static |
sendToFrontEnd(const std::string &targetInterfaceID, const T &value) const | ots::FEVInterface | |
setCircularBuffer(CircularBufferBase *circularBuffer) (defined in ots::DataProcessor) | ots::DataProcessor | |
setFEMacroArgumentValue(frontEndMacroArgs_t args, const std::string &argName, const T &value) const (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | protected |
setIterationIndex(unsigned int i) (defined in ots::VStateMachine) | ots::VStateMachine | inline |
setSubIterationIndex(unsigned int i) (defined in ots::VStateMachine) | ots::VStateMachine | inline |
setTransitionName(const std::string &transitionName) (defined in ots::VStateMachine) | ots::VStateMachine | inline |
setWrittenSubBuffer(void) (defined in ots::DataProducerBase) | ots::DataProducerBase | inline |
slowControlsChannelsIterator_ (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | protected |
slowControlsRunning(void) | ots::FEVInterface | |
slowControlsWorkLoop_ (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | protected |
start(std::string) (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | inlinevirtual |
startProcessingData(std::string) (defined in ots::FEProducerVInterface) | ots::FEProducerVInterface | inlinevirtual |
startSlowControlsWorkLoop(void) (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | inline |
startWorkLoop(void) (defined in ots::WorkLoop) | ots::WorkLoop | |
stop(void) (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | inlinevirtual |
stopProcessingData(void) (defined in ots::FEProducerVInterface) | ots::FEProducerVInterface | inlinevirtual |
stopSlowControlsWorkLoop(void) (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | inline |
stopWorkLoop(void) (defined in ots::WorkLoop) | ots::WorkLoop | |
subIterationAliasMap_ (defined in ots::VStateMachine) | ots::VStateMachine | protected |
supervisorApplicationUID_ (defined in ots::DataProcessor) | ots::DataProcessor | protected |
theCircularBuffer_ (defined in ots::DataProcessor) | ots::DataProcessor | protected |
theConfigurationPath_ (defined in ots::Configurable) | ots::Configurable | protected |
theConfigurationRecordName_ (defined in ots::Configurable) | ots::Configurable | protected |
theXDAQContextConfigTree_ (defined in ots::Configurable) | ots::Configurable | protected |
universalAddressSize_ (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | protected |
universalBlockRead(char *address, char *returnValue, unsigned int numberOfBytes) (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | inlinevirtual |
universalBlockReadImplementationConfirmed | ots::FEVInterface | |
universalBlockWrite(char *address, char *writeValue, unsigned int numberOfBytes) (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | inlinevirtual |
universalDataSize_ (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | protected |
universalRead(char *address, char *returnValue)=0 | ots::FEVInterface | pure virtual |
universalWrite(char *address, char *writeValue)=0 (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | pure virtual |
UNKNOWN_TYPE (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | static |
VStateMachine(const std::string &name) (defined in ots::VStateMachine) | ots::VStateMachine | inline |
WorkLoop(const std::string &name) (defined in ots::WorkLoop) | ots::WorkLoop | |
workLoopThread(toolbox::task::WorkLoop *workLoop) | ots::FEVInterface | protectedvirtual |
write(const D &buffer) (defined in ots::DataProducerBase) | ots::DataProducerBase | inline |
write(const D &buffer, const H &header) (defined in ots::DataProducerBase) | ots::DataProducerBase | inline |
writeCurrentBuffer(void) | ots::FEProducerVInterface | virtual |
~Configurable() (defined in ots::Configurable) | ots::Configurable | virtual |
~DataProcessor(void) (defined in ots::DataProcessor) | ots::DataProcessor | virtual |
~DataProducerBase(void) (defined in ots::DataProducerBase) | ots::DataProducerBase | virtual |
~FEProducerVInterface(void) (defined in ots::FEProducerVInterface) | ots::FEProducerVInterface | virtual |
~FEVInterface(void) (defined in ots::FEVInterface) | ots::FEVInterface | virtual |
~VStateMachine(void) (defined in ots::VStateMachine) | ots::VStateMachine | inlinevirtual |
~WorkLoop(void) (defined in ots::WorkLoop) | ots::WorkLoop | virtual |